About Us
We’re a connected group of experts in dairy farming, education, health and wellness, and business, who are fanatical about the power of dairy. An affiliate of Dairy Management Inc. and National Dairy Council, Dairy MAX was founded in 1995 to represent dairy farmers across Texas, western Oklahoma, New Mexico and southwest Kansas. In 2018, the former Western Dairy Association – representing farmers across Colorado, Wyoming and Montana since 1936 – became part of the Dairy MAX family. In 2019, Dairy MAX and the Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board confirmed a partnership to engage in dairy promotion in Louisiana together.

- An affiliate of Dairy Management Inc. and National Dairy Council, Dairy MAX was founded in 1995 to represent dairy farmers across Texas, western Oklahoma, New Mexico and southwest Kansas.
- In 2018, the former Western Dairy Association – representing farmers across Colorado, Wyoming and Montana since 1936 – joined Dairy MAX to become one family.
- In 2019, Dairy MAX and the Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board confirmed a partnership to engage in dairy promotion in Louisiana.
We advocate with purpose – connecting the dairy experience with hearts, minds and communities everywhere.
Positioned at the intersection of dairy farms, science, industry and consumers, we will harness the power of our passion and relationships to reinforce trust, drive sales and guarantee future generations of dairy.