Afterschool Meals
Outside of the traditional school day, many children do not know where their next meal will come from. Serving supper through the Afterschool Meals Program, part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), can help fill this gap, providing students with the nutrition they need in a safe, supervised location while also bringing in added revenue for your department.

Increased Child Nutrition Revenue – Suppers are reimbursed through the CACFP, and if you take cash instead of USDA commodity foods, the reimbursement rate for afterschool meals is nearly four times the rate for snacks.

Increased Learning Opportunities – Afterschool meals can help draw children into additional educational and enrichment activities.

Improved Academic Performance – Students who participate in high-quality afterschool programs show significant gains in standardized math test scores when compared to their peers who did not participate.

Higher Attendance and Graduation Rates – 70% of kids who participate in afterschool programs have exemplary attendance rates, and 95% of those students graduate.
How Does It Work?
Afterschool Meals combine nutrition with constructive learning activities. Many Afterschool Meal Programs run alongside other enrichment programs offered at schools, such as reading programs, recreational sports or afterschool care. Meals can be prepared and served in the cafeteria or transported elsewhere within the school building. If your school is already offering enrichment programs, then adding afterschool meals just makes sense – and cents.
How to Get Started
Dairy MAX is here to help – from planning and equipment to implementation and follow up, we have the tools and expertise to ensure your success.
Contact your School Wellness Consultant or check out our Afterschool Meals One Pager.