Afterschool Snacks
Outside the traditional school day, many children don’t know where their next meal will come from. Schools have the facilities, equipment, staff and skills to help fill this gap through an Afterschool Snack Program. Part of the National School Lunch Program, Afterschool Snacks provide children with the nutritional boost they need to make it to their next meal.

Increased Child Nutrition Revenue – Afterschool snacks can bring in significant additional revenue, especially in areas that have a high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced lunch.

More Nutrition for Students – School-aged children have higher daily intake of fruits, vegetables, milk and key nutrients – like calcium, vitamin A and folate – on days they eat afterschool meals compared to days they do not.

Increased Learning Opportunities – Afterschool meals can help draw children into educational and enrichment activities and programming after school.
How Does It Work?
Afterschool Snacks are typically offered alongside enrichment programs like reading programs, recreational sports or afterschool care. Serving Afterschool Snacks help students engage in these programs while filling the hunger gap many of them face in the afternoon and early evening. Snacks are pre-packaged and served in the cafeteria or transported by cooler to another location in the school building.
How to Get Started
Dairy MAX is here to help – from planning and equipment to implementation and follow up, we have the tools and expertise to ensure your success.
Contact your School Wellness Consultant or check out our Afterschool Snacks One Pager.