Monica Salafia, MS, RDN, CPT

Monica Salafia, MS, RDN, CPT

Dairy Nutrition Specialist, Health and Wellness


Monica joins the Dairy MAX team with over six years of experience as a registered dietician. Her passion for food and fitness started at the young age of 15 when she began powerlifting with her older brothers. Through training with her brothers, she quickly learned how important it is to fuel your body with nutritious food. Her call to Dairy MAX stems from her desire to make impactful change in the lives of others with the knowledge and strengths she has acquired in nutrition and communications. Through her college years Monica worked for a local New York dairy and creamery so her love for dairy comes naturally. When she’s not working out or playing with her pets Ingrid and Belinda, she enjoys journaling, playing volleyball and attending live music events.

  • Best advice you’ve ever received: You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.
  • Favorite healthy breakfast: OATMEAL! I eat a bowl of oatmeal with protein powder, fruit and some sort of seeds every single morning.
  • What always makes you laugh: Dad jokes